I’d like to introduce you to a very special group of women. These women (and about five more who were unable to be in the picture) meet monthly at the Attic Window Quilt Shop to make quilts for various charities. Throughout the year, people donate batting and fabric to this worthy cause.
See what your donations of fabric and batting have turned into? Above, the women are standing in front of the over 35 quilts that they have gathered today. From left to right, Yvonne, Mary, Fran, Joan, Lee Ann, Nancy, Barb. Forty-one quilts have already been distributed this past month, and Barb David, who leads the group, has another 40 at her home waiting for distribution. They make distributions twice a year. They last donated nearly 100 quilts in July.
Even if you don’t have time to sew with the group, you can still help. Donations of fabric and batting are needed and welcome throughout the year. Just drop them off at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. Barb said that they are interested in cotton fabrics and any kind of batting. They don’t have to be any particular size. The women are very creative in putting together beautiful quilts from your scraps. Above Mary is attaching the special label to each quilt.
Even some of the husbands get in on the act. When I admired this quilt, Lee Ann confessed that this is one of the many quilts her husband Gene has made and donated to the group effort. Lee Ann said he makes about four or five quilts a month for donation. All quilts are donated to various groups such as Faith Hospice, Mary Free Bed, and the Veteran’s Facility. The group is called Quilts for Wheels, but they make quilts in various sizes from wheelchair to lap size.
A special thanks goes to Chris who so generously offers space in her shop once a month for the women to work all day long. Barb says a special thanks also goes to Mary’s sister who provides the sugar (in the form of wonderful cookies) to keep up everyone’s energy. Again, thanks to this wonderful group of women (and man) for all your caring work.
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
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