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becoming more like a Fabrics Anonymous meeting. I decided to reorganize one of my fabric cupboards. This was a chance to find old friends that I haven't seen in years, and also a chance to ask myself..... "what was I thinking.
It also made me realize how far quilting fabrics have come in the last 25 years. Some of these fabrics that I have were from the early 1980's when I first started quilting. I kept some of them, why? Emotional attachment I guess. So I went and got a big trash bag, and started filling it. I give a lot of my old fabrics to project Linus, or to the Senior Center. One cupboard down, 3 more to go.

Now here is the challenge of the day..... this is a very old fabric. Yes, that is the statue of Liberty, but who is that behind her? Do you remember who designed this fabric? Post a comment!
The Somers show was a big hit. Tomorrow Ginny and Lois come back to put the store back together again! Thanks to everyone who came to the show.
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