Hugh MacLeod has a great blog. I get his daily cartoon. Sometimes his comments are right on target. This one certainly spoke to me. I’m showing it today because I have something important to tell you and thought this would grab your attention. If you’d like to join me in receiving MacLeod's cartoons you can sign up here.
And now to WHY I want to get your attention. Vicky Babcock is requesting help. This kind of help you will enjoy giving. Here is her request:

Hi, I am writing a book called, "The Dog Ate My Quilt," creative solutions to quilting disasters. I am collecting stories from anyone who has ever had a mishap--canine or otherwise--with a favorite quilt and what (if anything) they did to repair the damage. This does not need to be animal related, but I am finding a definite correlation between the puppies we love and the quilts we create--and also love. Please e-mail me with any stories you would like to share at: vbabcock@wingsisp.com or call me at: 616-696-4227. Ask for Vicky. Thanks.

I hope you can help Vicky with her book.

Quilter’s World has a cute table topper pattern for you. Now "go create something."

Stay Positive,
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