Home » » So I went in for a yard of white fabric....

So I went in for a yard of white fabric....

This morning I went to the Quilt Shop to layer a quilt I am quilting for the Danbury Museum and Historical Society.  I planned to layer the quilt, pick up a yard of fabric for my zentangle project and come home....
Nope... on my way to pick up the white fabric I walked by this.....

 Anytime I see a full cart of fabric, it means the UPS man brought new stuff.....
I did well, I walked by the cart.... headed straight towards the white fabric....

 Then Mary held up these two bolts...... I was getting weaker....but then I saw him.....

 and I just couldn't resist, guess it was his smile.  So off I went to the carts and I found these
Ok, so now I have all of these.... what am I going to do with them?  HELP!   All ideas welcome!
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