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I imagine people are wondering what the heck is she doing?  I've been trying to correct a problem.  I deleted the past three posts and reformatted them and posted them again, hoping that would solve the problem, but guess not.

Here is the problem.  Some people have told me they cannot see my blogs in Explorer.  I thought that was Explorer's problem, but someone else told me it was the way I was creating my post.  When I wrote it it Word and did a cut paste, some code came over that wasn't supposed to and that has created the problem.

I have FireFox and Google Chrome as my browsers and have no problem seeing my posts.  However, now I'm getting a notice from Explorer saying there is a security problem.  I have no idea what that is about.

So please stick with me while I try to solve this problem as I remind myself to -
Stay Calm, Stay Kind, Stay Positive!
PS:  If anyone else has had this problem and solved it, I would appreciate hearing from you!
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